Tag Archives: Purtonevewi

Meetings Notes Blog 2015

Purton Evening WI Meeting

Wednesday 18th November 2015     Purton Village Hall. 7.30pm

Barbara Compton, standing in for the President, welcomed 32 members to the meeting. Jerusalem was sung, accompanied by Sue Duck on the Piano.

  1. Business:

December’s 50th Birthday Meeting: 37 members will be attending, 2 additional members will be coming along for the entertainment. Members are invited to wear something gold/golden and to bring along their own drink and a small plate of food for the buffet table. Please car share/take mini bus. Raffle tickets will be on sale £1 each.  Start time: 7pm.

Carol Service: Wednesday 9th December. 2.30pm United Reform Church, Cricklade. Refreshments afterwards. All welcome.

La Flambe: Thursday 21st January. Please can members make their menu choice.

Vintage Tea Party: Saturday 16th January 2016. 3-5pm. Purton Village Hall. £8 including, entertainment from PADS. This is in aid of the local surgeries. See Trish Baker for tickets.

Food Festival: Helen Dixon thanked everyone who supported the food festival in aid of PIPS, a total of £467 was made.

  1. Entertainment for the Evening: Members were invited to talk about their lives.

Helen Dixon: ‘What’s in a Name?’ Helen has had lots of names – both Christian Names and Surnames, and has lived in lots of different places – having moved 16 times. She spoke about her varied life which had almost come full circle. She summed up by saying ‘don’t regret anything’.


Carol Gleed: Carol spent much of her early childhood living in Sudan. Her father was working of the Railway in Sudan, and they lived in a big house with servants, and a gardener. Carol has lots of fond memories of Sudan and the lifestyle they had. A photograph album was passed round for members to see.


Anthea Hilson: Anthea focused on her childhood in Essex, with weekends spent by the sea, staying either on a boat or later on, in a home-made holiday home. She also recalled magical Christmas’s spent at the grand parents’ large house in Chigwell, where all the family used to gather together.


Susan Pagett: Susan recalled some of her experiences as a primary school teacher, and saying that she had a love of story -telling. She then went on to tell a story herself. A story full of atmosphere and intrigue – to a captivated audience!


Barbara Compton thanked all the speakers for their very entertaining talks.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Agreed by members & signed by the President. – NB Typing error – the Treasurers account should read £1417.82

Raffle Winners: Barbara Woolford, Susan Pagett, Helen Bull.


National Anthem                                                                                                              Meeting Closed 9.30

Postscript: Janet Saunders laid a wreath at the cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday on behalf of Purton Evening WI.

Minutes: Janet Saunders 20.11.15

Signed as a True Record of the Meeting, by: ___________________                                    Date_______________

Purton W.I Meeting Minutes Blog 2017

Purton Evening WI

July 2017

Our July Meeting was all about Archery and Targets. Our speaker for the evening was Shelia Walker, who was accompanied by Chris Compton, both very keen Archers. They are members of the U3A and   joined a thriving group of Archers at Roves Farm at Sevenhampton near Swindon. Roves Farm has both indoor and outdoor shooting ranges, but Shelia’s favourite shooting course is in the forest, targeting cut outs of animals – ranging from large deer to small squirrels. Shelia and Chris had also brought along some Bows and Arrows for us to see and they explained about technique, safety, and the materials used to make them.

After the business for the evening, we tried our hands at various Target Games – Darts, Quoits and Hoop La. They all looked easy, but that wasn’t necessarily the case!

Our September Meeting will be on Wednesday 20th September in the Village Hall, when we will welcome Linda Buckland and her beautiful Hearing Dog Fidgey. We hope to find out how these very clever and caring dogs can help us in our everyday lives. This looks like it will be a very interesting and informative evening, so if you would like to come along and join us, we would be very pleased to see you.

For more information, call Barbara 01793 770818 or Janet 01793 772146